#aupair files

by - 12:30 AM

And on the 30th day, she began to blog about it. It's official, I've been an au pair for a month and that can only mean one thing: it is now time to start a new blog page. Every week or so, I'll throw in a post dedicated to whatever shenanigans I've been getting myself into as an au pair in this lovely city. You can follow my nanny-esque virtual diary here, and with the tag, #aupairfiles.

For good reason, (my fellow au pairs will understand) new posts of the #aupairfiles persuasion will make their way onto your googlereader/rss feed/etc. every wednesday so that no matter where you are, you may too experience a bit of our glamorous life on the biggest day of our week! 

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  1. Can't wait to read about it!


  2. How exciting for you! I wish you well on your journey! My room mate is also really looking forward to becoming an au pair after her graduation and I know how excited she is. Maybe I'll mention your blog to her


    PS: I thought you might like to read this:

  3. How did you land an au pair position in PARIS?! I am so jealous :) and cannot wait to read about it every week.


Merci pour des commentaires! Thanks for letting me know what you think!