i love my: jason segel/muppets

by - 11:30 AM

As a child of the '90s, I remember fondly watching re-runs of the Muppet show before bed. Miss Piggy was my always favorite, for good reason. Another thing I like? Jason Segel. So naturally, shit hit the fan when my close friend and fellow J.S. enthusiast found his twitter account had a very excited announcement:

So after five minutes of high-pitched screaming and hysteria at Moss House, we snagged our tickets online. {It wasn't that easy, but we eventually got them.} Fast-forward to Tuesday night, 10pm. After a mini-detour, we were able to snag pretty good seats and even got some free posters while we waited for the 12:01 showing, introduced by the one and only Marshall Erikson Jason Segel. By quarter-til, our bladders were suffering, which would choose to be a sign from fate: my friend came back from the bathroom frantic and flushed, convinced she had seen JS from behind, busy taking photos before the screening was about to start. 5 minutes of pep-talk and we got the courage to leave our seats in an attempt to "bump into him" in the hallway. 

A minute sooner and we would have made physical contact. If only. He entered the theater as we tried to exit and for a brief shining moment, I was 6 feet away from JS, making babies eye contact and wishing I had thought to shower that day. C'est la vie. Eventually he made an appearance with his team, and spoke to us about his own childhood experience with the Muppets, his work in reviving the Muppets movie and writing the script. Not only was he as adorable as he is on television, but he posed for photos with some very lucky {front-row} fans. 
I won't lie and pretend that I wasn't That Girl: I spent $12 in hopes of seeing JS, but I stayed for Kermit & Miss Piggy. I love those two together, which may explain a lot about my romantic history... If you haven't seen the Muppets movie yet, you've got to. Dispite the chair-kickers who sat behind us {don't you hate those?!} the movie was hilarious, adorable and full of great musical numbers. Okay, cue photos of sassy Miss Piggy & Jason Segel, just for kicks.

I think Miss Piggy looks just like Stevie Nicks in the wedding photo, bottom left, don't you think? Gotta give the girl pig credit for staying in style for all these years!


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  1. I remember having a ceramic miss piggy money box and I use to put lipstick on her to make miss piggy pretty ;) Love the muppets!

  2. hahaha. totally stevie nicks. So glad you like it. I've heard amazing things. xo


  3. Yes! I'm a Jason Segel lover too! I can NOT wait to see the new Muppets movie. I heard he did a wonderful job on it.

    Do you watch How I Met Your Mother? LOVE that show. And JS is great in it.

  4. OMG I'm ridiculously jealous you got to see Jason Segel AND the Muppets! We have to wait til Feb for the release, so excited for it! :)


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