week three: painfully pinterested

by - 6:42 PM

Happy Thanksgiving-Eve! 
While many of you may be starting to prep for your turkey dinner, or setting off to see family, I am sitting at home nursing my swollen jaw and recovering from a quadruple wisdom-tooth extraction! 

Going into surgery this morning was a little nerve-wracking, but with the help of some laughing gas, I made it through to a reward: a delicious chocolate milkshake! In a fit of last-minute insanity, I decided to take my teeth home as a keepsake.  Of course, Pinterest had many tooth-related crafts, mostly involving gold paint. Perhaps the painkillers are getting to me, but the idea of turning them into jewelry is seems very intriguing.

So as you may have guessed, this week's Pinterest post is dual themed: pesky wisdom teeth-turned adorable projects & Thanksgiving food and fun!

Right column, from top: pillar candles decoupaged with leaves and colorful tissue paper, pilgrim puppies, cheesy bacon mashed potatoes (which are the best soft food, ever.), gold dotted glassware and adorable mini-pumpkins wearing vampire teeth.

Middle, from top: adorable tooth t-shirt, and a delicious chocolate pecan pie that I'll have to wait to enjoy at a later date.

Left, from top: gold and white refrigerator magnets, a necklace of gold teeth (are they real!?), a vintage pin-up witch, and the most personally appropriate some-e-card I've seen thus far.

How are you all spending your Thanksgiving? Any good recipes or decorating websites to share? My friends and I intend on having our own dinner later this weekend and I plan on going all out!


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  1. such great picks there!! love the tooth top :)



  2. Ouch, that sounds horrible. Wisdom teeth taken out right before Thanksgiving? Bless your heart!

    Following you!
    Thanks for the Comment.

  3. tooth surgery before thanksgiving?? so sad! i hope your recovery goes well and that maybe you can eat leftovers in a few days. i did a triple wisdom tooth in high school and i was eating {slowly} a few days after.

    thanks for stopping by the blog! come again soon.



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