christmas gifts at south moon under
Rainy Paris weather means one thing: laying in bed shopping the last-minute online Christmas sales. One of my favorite shops in the states is South Moon Under. Their stores are set up to look like the inside of a cool girls' closet and I can only ever afford to browse the sale racks.
Inspired by cold and rainy weather, the chance to enjoy free shipping AND an extra 20% off (code: SMU20) I've compiled my favorites.
1. an adorable globe ornament for the international traveler
2. lilac nail polish from Butter.
3. 'not photoshopped' mug. i don't really get it, but i like the foil print
4. minnetonka 'el paso' moccasins. textiles and fringe come together!
5. a cute coral polka dot backpack that looks like it could survive a year of prepa.
6. pretty tan suede shorts are oddly chic over tights.
7. aforementioned two-tone tights that are confusing enough to be slimming, right?
8. a pretty pastel scarf that goes with everything
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