friday finds: duck boots

by - 9:59 AM

I'm writing this blog hiding under the covers of my bed, as the weather has dropped nearly 20 degrees overnight to a chilly 58° C.  

Yesterday's visit to the thrift store, on discount day, was quite a success and my favorite purchase by far was a pair of awesome Sporto duck boots.

I was lucky enough to find a navy pair, which I love over the red, green and black versions that I've also found in my online searches.

They fit! GPOY lovely new boots!

The best part? The price: a sloppily written, nearly-illegible $9.99. After a swipe of my member card (yes, they exist!), this lovely pair came out to a cool $7.49. 
You'll notice the size is marked as a 7, most likely a men's size which account for why my size-8 feet are more than comfortable wearing these. 

Make It Your Own:
  • Break the rules: I'd advise any duck-boot enthusiasts to not only check the women's shoes sections but the men's and boy's as well, where most utility-style shoes are organized. 
  • Try them on with socks: You'll get a better feel for how they fit and protect from any germs you might be worried about: Shoes can be tricky--I tend  to only choose those with tags still attached or in brand new condition, but a run through the washing machine (for sneakers) or febreeze and/or disinfectant spray could work for more adventurous shoe enthusiasts.
  • Take a lap: make sure they're comfortable by walking around in them a bit. 
  • Ignore the size markings: Vintage/older garments have different sizing dimensions, as do European garments. You'll eventually hone your eye for what your size looks like on a hanger, but first, just try it on!

Happy Thrifting! 


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