
by - 1:00 PM

The start of a new year means the making { and subsequent breaking } of resolutions for self-improvement.
Leading a double-life (half foreign-language-speaking-child-care-taker and  half photo-taking-and-sight-seeing American in Paris) means I get to make two lists. Since I already have a great relationship with the kids I watch, 2013 is going to be a year of subtle changes, inspired by my sole desire to be a cool au pair. 

As your loving au pair, I promise:

1. to always carry a pack of tissues with me, be it for your after-school meltdowns and tears, your runny nose or to wipe off the remains of your hastily-eaten breakfast before school.

2. to always bring the best pack of cookies when I fetch you from school. Nothing is worse than sitting through eight hours of school to be handed Fig Newtons surrounded by a sea of pain au chocolat

3. to only wear UGGs when I walk you to school in the morning, to better keep up with you.

4. to cook pasta no more than two times a week.

5. to let you play with my iPhone every other time you ask. you're the reason i bought that  super-duty otterbox case in the first place...


Comme fille au pair, je promets:

1. Avoir toujours un sachet des mouchoirs pour les petits crises, les larmes, les malades ou la nutella qui reste sur la visage apres petit-dej.

2. Prendre le meilleure sachet de gouter dans la placard quand je viens chercher a l'école. (Les heureux enfants font une heureuse fille au pair.)

3. Porter les UGGs chaque matin au lieu des bottines pour rester en contact des enfants en trottinettes.

4. Ne prepare le pate plus qu'une deux fois par semaine.

5. Donne-les le droit de jouer des jeux video sur mon iPhone quelque fois. Sauf quand j'attends un texto d'un beau gosse...

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